Using Helper Applications

Starting an application when you open a particular file type
Choosing a helper application

To start an application when you open a particular file type

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Helpers tab.
  3. To specify which program to start when you open a file of a new file type, click Add.
  4. To change the program that starts when you open a file of an existing type, click the type, and then click Edit.
  5. Type a description.
  6. Type the MIME type.
  7. Type the suffixes.
  8. Specify whether the file type uses Binary Data or Plain Text.
  9. In the Handling drop-down choose one of the following:
    Option Result
    Use Explorer as viewer Opens the file in the browser window if the file type is supported by the browser.
    Use an SDI-enabled Helper Controls file using the specified external application. The Helper is capable of controlling Internet Explorer. For example, a helper application can instruct the browser to open a new browser window or open a new web page.
    Use a Helper application Opens the file using the specified external application. When you quit the the external application the downloaded file is deleted.
    Save as a file Displays a dialog box that lets you choose where to save the file.
    Save and use a Helper Opens a dialog box where you can specify where you want to save the file. Once the file is saved the helper application is launched.

    Related Topic
    Choosing a helper application or plug-in

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    To choose a helper application

    The table below lists common MIME types and provides suggested helper applications. Please read the Microsoft disclaimer before visiting the sites listed below.

    MIME Type Description Extensions Suggested File Match
    application/pdf Adobe Acrobat file pdf Adobe Acrobat Reader
    application/postscript PostScript file ai, eps, ps Ghostscript
    application/rtf Rich Text Format file rtf Most word-processor applications including Microsoft Word
    application/x-compress UNIX compressed file Z StuffIt Expander 4.0.1 (with DropStuff 4.0)
    application/x-director Macromedia Director animation file dcr Shockwave
    application/x-gzip GNUzip compressed file gz StuffIt Expander 4.0.1 (with DropStuff 4.0)
    application/x-tar TAR file archive tar StuffIt Expander 4.0.1 (with DropStuff 4.0)
    application/x-zip compressed PKZIP compressed file zip StuffIt Expander 4.0.1 (with DropStuff 4.0)
    audio/basic Sun/NeXT sound file au, snd Built-in Support
    audio/mp2 MPEG sound file mp2 MPEG Audio for Macintosh
    audio/x-aiff Apple (AIFF) sound file aiff, aif, aifc Built-in Support
    audio/x-pn-realaudio RealAudio sound file ra, ram, rar RealAudio Player
    audio/x-wav Windows sound file wav Built-in Support
    image/gif GIF graphic gif Built-in Support
    image/jpeg JPEG graphic jpeg, jpg, jpe Built-in Support
    image/tiff TIFF graphic tiff, tif NIH Image
    text/html HTML file html Built-in Support
    text/plain Plain text file txt Built-in Support
    text/tab-separated-values TSV graph tsv Built-in Support as plain-text or most popular spreadsheet applications including Microsoft Excel
    video/fli Autodesk video fli, flc MacAnim Viewer
    video/mpeg MPEG video mpeg, mpg, mpe Sparkle
    video/quicktime QuickTime movie qt, mov Built-in Support
    video/x-msvideo Windows movie avi Built-in Support

    Related Topic
    Starting an application when you open a particular type of file

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